My Wellbeing Space
An online resource designed by
patients and carers for patients and carers
Northern Cancel Alliance


Most people will experience insomnia at some point during their lives and this can be due to lots of different reasons. Some things that can cause insomnia when you have cancer include: symptoms caused by the cancer (such as pain or sickness), side effects of treatment, worry, anxiety or depression.

Video Resources...

Why sleep is important (podcast)

In this podcast produced by Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, consultant in clinical psychology Dr Peter Blackburn discusses why a good night’s sleep is so important for your health.

Live Well With Cancer

In this video produced by Live Well With Cancer, Professor Jason Ellis talks all things sleep – why it is so important, and some helpful tips on how you can improve it.

Cancer Care Map

To find other services or support on this topic, visit Cancer Care Map and enter your postcode to find what is available near you.

The Cancer Care Map